Black Listed Gaming Network (BGN RP) is looking for members

Hello and thank you for your intrest in our server. We are looking for members who know how to RP, and are willing to play on our server. The main thing that our server can contribute to you is a better experience, a more professional/mature police force, and well developed cars. However this being said our server is new and some of the development on the server itself is a WIP, however the server is stable enough to play on and has rapid amounts of progress is being done. We also have custom skins of some of our vehicles.

These are just some of our state trooper vehicles, as we gain more members we plan on opening Sheriff’s Department, and LSPD. We also have a fairly decent SOP put together, which is going to be constantly changed to better the SASP, and we have a decent system setup for our SASP (San Andreas State Police). If you’re interested in joining our community feel free to join our Discord, or PM me with questions! - Our Discord Link.

Quality Server :ok_hand:

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Seen those cars and those skins nice nice.

(Maybe make custom skins???)

no need to “bash” on this server

No bash… Just a criticism and try to make your server different from others.

-_-… it was a puhn… but nvm

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