Best Game/VPS Hosting?

Hello, I am interested in hosting a Fivem server and just wanted to know what are the best options as far as hosting goes? Whether it be game server hosting or vps hosting, whichever is best.

Currently, I am using Zap Hosting, but I heard getting a VPS is better (and cheaper) than using game server hosting, such as Zap.

Any recommendations? Stay with Zap or go with VPS? If VPS, which is the best VPS host and which VPS package should I pick?

Thank you

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Hello @Atlas8
There is no “correct answer” for your question. It is a personal preference and depends on your budget.
Zap hosts your service in Germany, if you find a GSP closer would help decreasing your server ping.

Honestly I would go for a VPS hosted in my own country (or the nearest possible - sometimes you can pay half if you choose a country next to yours).

Also Zap is the only GSP that can sell “legit” gameservers

What is better in Fivem Linux or Windows?

Doesn’t really affect much. Although a server using Linux will require less resources and that usually means cheaper server hosting. All that being said there are currently 2000 more servers running windows right now.