Original Summit RP | Realistic RP | vMenu Based | 60+ FPS | Dedicated Management | www.summitrp.net


:mountain: Basic Information

:mountain: Meet the Management

  • Michael Trevor - Director | Handles all the development work for Summit.
  • Razoe - Director | Handles all Media & Police work.

“We are always looking to expand our management team.”

:mountain: About Summit RP & What you can expect from us

Summit RP was started early 2019, however after a long break. The Management Team believes it is the right time to re-release Summit RP.
A lot of preparation has came into creating the new Summit, we have tested and optimised the server thoroughly. We have removed scripts, added scripts and all the while we have experimented with ultra graphics on a 1060, the result we received were very impressive with highs of 120 FPS while driving vehicles in rural areas

:mountain: How the Staff Team operates

Our staff policy is VERY strict, We don’t mess around with rule breakers - hence why we completely removed the kick option on our Admin Panel and replace them with 5 - 10 minute bans. We decided to only use bans due to the fact that we have removed peacetime & priority which in conclusion balances out the two aspects.

:mountain: San Andreas State Police
“The SASP is the main department on Summit. It consists of multiple ranks and different divisions, we have SWAT, Motor Unit and more soon to come - here are some screenshots:”

SASP Vehicles

:mountain: San Andreas State Police


SASP Motor Unit

:mountain: San Andreas Fire Department
“The SAFD department is open to everyone to be volunteer EMS & Fire, obviously we still have procedures in place below you will find some pictures of our vehicles.”


:mountain: Interested In Joining Summit RP?

Thanks for reading - Summit RP Management


The cars look sick. Looking to play on release day.


Hey. SASP Commissioner here! We are releasing on the 24th which is tomorrow. At around 13:00 EST or 17:00 GMT


Come Join us today, We want you!


As soon as I joined the discord I was welcomed with open arms and they met my requests straight away to join the PD. The servers’ cars look great and the script should are some of the best I’ve seen. Love this server already.

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Bump! We currently have 7 cadets awaiting training. It’s in a couple hours so join up to make it in we will be actively reading applications!

I’m a member of Summit RP. For my honest ratings the server looks great so far and I have a feeling that it’s something different

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^^ The Mobile Command Centre in which the negotiation and swat team will discuss tactics during high risk situations!

Desk Duty!

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reflective vest on the bike

Thinking Twice

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Bump! LSPD has been added as a new department

Enjoy some state trooper pictures

We want YOU Join LSPD OR SASP Today www.summitrp.net

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Bump! LSPD in the making :wink:

Went from the 24/7 To a Police Department Lockdown!

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Join SASP Today! www.summitrp.net

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This is our server in the list!