Appeal for discord ban

I’ve been on the discord for a while and have received help for my own personal server in the past. Really nice community so far!
I asked a simple question in the “Lua-Coding” channel about some code I was working on. I became busy and could not check the discord for updates on my issue.
When I returned to the discord I could not type in any of the channels, only read them. From what I can see I think someone banned me for asking a question and not responding to replies.

Hopefully I can be unbanned quickly so I can get back into the community!

(Username: KonSume)

Thanks a bunch!

Check the announcements channel. Discord is read-only for the time being. If you are still in the Discord server, you’re obviously not banned

Thanks for the reply.
It seems I can type again, but it’s been in read only mode for a good week if that’s the case.
I’ve played around with server mutes and stuff before, it just seemed like that’s what happened, I thought it was linked to a new ban type.

Cheers though seems like the server has sorted itself out though!

Yes, we re-enabled it for a very short time but whenever FiveM has some service issues a lot of people spam it with incoherent and often times very demanding and disrespectful language instead of being compassionate. So it was made read-only again.

It was re-opened just now until the next storm of ragers :upside_down_face: