Another Could Not Load CitizenGame.dll

My GTA 5 version is up to date.
Its a legitimate copy bought straight off steam.
Error Screenshots:

GTA5 Folder Screenshot:

FiveReborn Folder Screenshot:

[283819296] GlobalError: Could not load CitizenGame.dll.

Im not quite sure what u mean by .dmp files :stuck_out_tongue:

I have reinstalled it twice, checked my firewall and such. I got a friend to send me his CitizenGame.dll aswell to try that and it doesnt seem to work.

Please help because i know there is lots of others with the same issue. :slight_smile:


Please use this format to post your error.
Did you read the F.A.Q?

my .dmp files dont even exist so i cant show you if thats the problem

And i checked the FAQ about the redistx86 and redistx64. i cannot install them because i have them already downloaded and up to date.

Could it possibly be a problem with Windows 8? I see a lot of other people having the problem are on Windows 8.

This is a redist error… so maybe uninstall and reinstall and restart PC?