[ALPHA] FS Freeroam 0.1.5 [FiveM-Scripts]

You my good sir are a life saver i thought i was screwed, hosted lots of servers before for other games and a DB error pretty much means the death of that server lol. Again thanks a lot!

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One more thing, It seems that none of the shops/stores seem to work only smoke on the water and as for the blips on the map they where all coloured i have nothing in to modify the colour but the main thing is are these shops supposed to function?

I have a problem, when i do /pv the car spawns but nobody else on the server can see it.

check the bool “isNetworked” for the native “create_vehicle”

i did and it is set to true in the spawn for the pv vehicle

i dont know why the pv car isnt showing up for everyone…

You might want to look at a garage system and then you can remove the /pv. /pv is more trouble than it’s worth because you can just continually /pv and get infinite amount.

yea but all the garage systems that i have found require mysql through essentialmode

Still able to call an infinite amount of them but at least you can stop using /pv


There is a glitch in it that allows any user to gain 500000 every second and it is located in fs_freeroam/events/fleecajob on line 61

I am very disappointed that the original creator left this in and did not tell anyone of its existence. Please make sure he did not do this in anything else he creates or possibly stop putting his scripts into your server until they are checked. The place you could do this at is located at a star on the map next to a bank.

this is the code that does it

TriggerServerEvent('mission:completed', 500000)

and this in fs_freeroam in server.lua

AddEventHandler('mission:completed', function(total)
TriggerEvent('es:getPlayerFromId', source, function(user)
  -- update player money amount
 TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_BANK_MAZE", 1, "Maze Bank", false, "You received ~g~$".. tonumber(total))

only remove the one thats on line 61 though.

I only found this out because i was looking for server events i could call from a mission i was making lol

This isn’t for servers that disable police/set police to ignore the player. That’s why it loops and is so easy to get money. So this wasn’t left it and not told to users. Read the source (all of it) before saying “we weren’t told of this”

This isn’t error on our behalf, it’s user error.

Why exactly would you add something in a game that could glitch out a give 500k every second though. It makes no sense. At the very least say that this could happen if you disable cops, and i mean i really dont know many servers who dont disable cops. so yes you are right its not a glitch, but it was silly not to put that it was in and how not having cops could break it that badly

First thing i done when starting with fs_freeroam was commenting out fleecajob in __resources

It’s also up to the end user to decide ultimately what is used in the resource as well. Not the author(s). This isn’t intended to be used with servers disabling police for roleplay or jobs that involve a players being police.

So, if people wish to note this and change it or get rid of it they may do so. Thanks for sharing that little bit of information though. :smiley:

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Hence we don’t try to support servers that disable services/functions. This is why things don’t work as expected. :slight_smile:

What did you people expect?

Well to be fair most servers built around rp disable police, but that aside. My point is he should have listed that this was inside the script in the post for people to know, I mean thats just being helpful so you dont get confusion behind it. either way though thanks for clearing that up.

I have a problem with the event “Fleeca Job” ,i tried with 2 more friends, and they just stay on top of the briefcase receiving money and no police, but it works good for me, i get the message escape from the cops and 4 stars, and no money ( only if i escape from the cops)
anyone knows why that happens? how the hell works for me and not the others

@Shake If trainers are allowed on that server, Your friends may have “never wanted” enabled

I thought about that but they ain’t allowed, also how do you explain if they sit on top of the briefcase they just keep receiving money non stop, it’s so weeird, because it works as it should for me, but only me lol