[Alpha] Clothing Shops v0.2 (Last update: 05/26)

No i have Windows Server 2012

cp only works on Linux, you have to copy config.dist.lua and save it as config.lua

For people having problems on WINDOWS SERVERS, with settings.lua not existing: rename settings.lua.dist to settings.lua

Small fix that works for me atleast.


I have the same problem as some (when the server is starting) :

But in game the Store is working but nothing is saved on the DB and this error in the console :

But I have see the RegisterServerEvent ^^
And yes I have set the settings.lua
OS : Windows Server 2008 R2


I did it but i got this error again : http://prntscr.com/fbzr7w

does not work :confused: Would have to redo

Hello, i have an error with your script
Error is :
2017-05-25 14:06:23.1284|WARN|CitizenMP.Server|A client tried to send an event of type clothing_shop:SaveItem_server, but it was not greenlit for client invocation. You may need to call RegisterServerEvent from your script.

Iā€™m on Linux, Debian 8, i have Correct install your release

If you have some kind of error on a windows server REMOVE the .dist from the end of the settings.lua

and make sure you name the resource folder ā€œFiveM_ClothingShopā€

Dont forgot to add your credentials in the settings.lua

i did what you say but i have this error : http://prntscr.com/fbzr7w

Yep we already did that : / Still the same problem for those who localhost their server or are on a windows server.

Hello! Iā€™m currently having trouble running the sql in my database. When I try, it says this for both the install and ugly install files (when I try them respectively): https://gyazo.com/1396d0c3ab3ddf76b61d096150ed6722

Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile: Thank you

PLEASE make it so that the players stuff updates on disconnect!

If a server is full and everyone is doing there character its going to cause issues :slight_smile:

Updating on disconnect isnā€™t a good thing in my opinion, if you are a cop or a medic it will save your job outfit.

However the next release will change the shop system, might add an UPDATE query on closing the menu

Okay yeah thatā€™s a good idea too :slight_smile:

Thanks :smiley:

Someone found the solution: download the latest version of FiveM server


Iā€™ll try this when i get home and Come back to you. Tanks :wink:

If you want to know the result, it fixed the problem for me :slight_smile:


Cant wait to try this :wink: waiting sunday to test it :wink: Thanks for thƩ information :wink:

I have this problem, solution ?

button close dosenā€™t work ?