[Alpha] Clothing Shops v0.2 (Last update: 05/26)

getting this error when running the ugly_install.sql


any plans for couchDB support?

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Id love to check it out if possible.

To support couchDB do it yourself and share it, that’s how FiveM works. Contribute please, don’t just be a leecher.
You can support couchDB by changing all the MySQL queries, to HTTP like couchDB does. You can have examples of différent queries with thecops resource which is very portative

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i have the same problem with all mysql scripts, did you solve it?

anyone know how to fix change gender not working or is it just me?

When i start my server this error comming up: Error loading script Server/server.lua in resource clothing_shop-master: Server/server.lua:6: attempt to call a nil value (global ‘require’)
stack traceback:
Server/server.lua:6: in main chunk
Someone help?

how do you fix the foreign key problem on the sql file?

Hey it works good and proper however how can I get the hair color to be black by default and not green?

do you have render fx ?

I have the same issue. Did you manage to figure it out?

How did you change that money thing? :o On the top of the screen to the right


I tried to make your script work but the “clothing_shop:loadItems_client” event is never called can you tell me why ?

I’m with essentialmod 5.

client :

	DisplayHelpText("test ok")

Server :

TriggerClientEvent("clothing_shop:loadItems_client", source, result[1]) -- Updates the client's skin with default values

the print is well called

Thanks a lot.

How would I add clothing to the addons ?

Looks like I’m getting this on my server

What the heck do you press to change the texture of the item like for example glasses change the style or texture of it once you are on it

works with vrp?
i cant update the sql, it’s telling that database.users doesn’t exist :confused:

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Hey Everyone,

Does someone translate this to Async and made it working with ES5 ?

Tried too but not working for me :confused:

Thanks :slight_smile:

i want to ask you about another subject could you gave me the script that you using for

  • food and drink %
    i’ll be thankful

i get pink/black hair,what can i do about this?