AI Traffic stopped spawning

I have searched the forums and they do not work for my situation. I have not modified any resources since this issue started happening other than ‘realistic vehicle failure’ and that resource runs without error and has nothing to do with AI traffic.

Are you sure you don’t have any resource which modified the traffic density, maybe do a notepad++ file search

I did a notepad++ search for SET_VEHICLE_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER_THIS_FRAME and got zero hits.

Natives are PascalCase so SetVehicleDensityMul…

I found this: – Fix vehicles randomly spawning nearby the player inside an instance
while true do
Citizen.Wait(0) – must be run every frame

	if insideInstance then

Isnt that supposed to reflect my traffic management setting and not be 0? This was in esx_instance

This shouldn’t impact it as this is only done when inside an instance so appartements

Dam, because this is the only hit I got

I dont understand this syntax: SetVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame((TrafficAmount/100)+.0)
in traffic.lua

That looks more like it, try seeing what traffic Amount is set to

The syntax is basically

amount of traffic / 100 and the +.0 to make it a “float”

Its currently set to this:
TrafficAmount = 75
PedestrianAmount = 100
ParkedAmount = 100
EnableDispatch = false

Which is odd, because on my settings page on ZAP, it says the trafficamount is set to 100, not 75

are u using PIS Ai interaction script?

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I’m not sure if the recent essentialmode update had anything to do with the problem, but reinstalling the traffic adjustment plugin from ZAP fixed the issue.