Advanced fishing [DEPRECATED]

uuuh… will use this native, didnt know it exists. thanks sabbo2001

Yeah I have no life so I spend hours reading through every single native name to inspire myself while I program and improve things - I even research using other GTA MP systems… found many an interesting little native to use.

Insert another line into the “if fishing” loop:


haha yes me too…


is great, already using it in my modifed/forked version. also im gonna plan on using areas on the map instead of one big area… but will take some time as reallife hit me x)
Kuzkay really did something great here, love this script :smiley:

where would be the best place to insert
or just anywhere in the loop?

Somewhere just after is fishing then

cant get it to work you mind posting your code if you don’t mind?

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				fishing = false
				ESX.ShowNotification("~r~Stopped fishing")
			if fishing then
				playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
				local pos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
				if GetWaterHeight(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z-2, pos.z-3.0)  then
					fishing = false
					ESX.ShowNotification("~r~Stopped fishing")
				if IsEntityDead(playerPed) or IsEntityInWater(playerPed) then
					ESX.ShowNotification("~r~Stopped fishing")

ty your a star

show me?

Can’t seem to get this to work, with a fresh install, can’t catch anything. Says “press this” button. Press it, nothing happens. Also, @sabbo2001 the BlockWeaponWheelThisFrame() doesn’t stop weapons from being pulled up when you hit 1-8 if you have that weapon

have you made to sure you imported the database items.sql file into your DB and set them at the correct settings? If you don’t have the fish in your database you aint gonna catch any…also I couldnt seem to get the BlockWeaponWheelThisFrame() to work either…

Yes, I’m using bait and the fishing rod, commands just don’t do anything lol

any errors in the console? also im sure you know but clear you server cache too

Yeah I’ll take a look, but I didn’t see any

oh i remember I had the same issue…look towards the top of the page and you’ll find a fix…I think the server.lua needs a slight modification



I modified my server.lua to this and it no longer spams with errors.

So fresh install the resource, copy pasta the server code from above and it should be gucci

working but still have to go far far far…
and didnt work on lakuna lake either…
i did try to change z height… cant figure out what to do for fishing in less water height area.

Can you explain how you set z and z water height please

If the OP gives permission I will link my github with my currently working version.


So random question but how do i add the poll and bait to the store.

INSERT INTO shops (store, item, price) VALUES (‘TwentyFourSeven’,‘fishingrod’,100), (‘RobsLiquor’,‘fishingrod’,100), (‘LTDgasoline’,‘fishingrod’,100);

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