Add Permanently Delete to Inventory

So I like the ability to also add a permanently delete feature to the inventory menu of esx, rather than just dropping them. This will allow my police officers to confiscate and delete said items instead of dropping them. What would be the best way to go about it?

Instead of adding a “delete” feature to your whole inventory menu that your players could exploit, maybe consider just removing the trigger of confiscating items to the officer’s inventory? If that’s your main goal of course.

This could be done by simply commenting out the “sourceXPlayer.addInventoryItem (itemName, amount)” on your /esx_policejob/server/main.lua and it’ll make it so that the item gets deleted when confiscated

That sounds like a good idea, but I also want it for myself. Ofcourse there is a chance for abuse, but I’d like to be able to completely delete inventory items that I don’t want other players able to pick up. For instance when testing the jewelry store robbing, I want to delete the jewels from my inventory entirely, rather than having to go into my DB and remove it manually. It can also help other players doing jobs like lumber, and rather than dropping them, they can outright delete them. Feels more efficient imo. But I will definitely look into the changes for police menu.

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