Add-on of "/me, and /do"

Roleplay would be more interactive if these were added, and the removal of voice chat for the roleplay servers, would also improve the roleplay:

  • These commands can assist within making it easier for others to roleplay.

/ame - would normally appear of the players’ head. “Verb/Action that the character is doing/does.”
/me - would normally appear in the chat box. “Verb/Action that the character is doing/does.”
/my - would normally appear in the chat box. “Verb/Action that the character is doing/does.”
/do - Ask others about their roleplay, what they roleplayed so you wouldn’t powergame/metagame, describing/de/my - - would normally appear in the chat box. "“Verb/Action that the character is doing/does.”"scription.

You might want to get into LUA development, as you can make all these things.

This looks more like a request to roleplay servers, maybe some roleplay server owners, disagree with this?

Code into your own server man.

If you want to have something, you need to know how to get it.

I personally prefer voice chat for roleplaying. But it would be nice with local voice chat. Then use the chat for OOC purposes.