Activate the Rockstar Editor in FiveM?

Hello, I see in lambda menu we can start the record with the Rockstar Social Editor.
I need to activate only this fonctionnality in my server and not all the lambda menu, anybody know how to do this ?
Have a nice day :slight_smile:

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I have had no problem using it. I don’t know what you mean by activate it? It should work. Have you tried recording and editing it?

When i press F1 or F2 it does nothing :confused:

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f3 always works for me

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You installed nothing and it work ? :open_mouth: Anybody know why my server don’t have rockstar editor :frowning:

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Its with the Lambda menu, F3

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Yes but I want it without the lambda menu !

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I don’t know if it can help you but there’s a function about rockstar editor in natives :

Thx i will try this !

Up, i’m trying since 2hours and i don’t know how to activate it :frowning:

my brother are u serious i did it in 2 minutes yesterday

i know u are a khey from le 18-25 but be serious pliz

Ok i’m stupid, can you help me or you’re going to troll me ?

did you figure it out how do i do it

cab you help me how do i install rockstar editor

I get a infinite loading screen when I go to edit a clip in the rockstar editor please fix


this helped me

i use vMenu and when i record a clip longer than 3 seconds it says failed to save recording any thoughts?

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hi i download lambda menu but i cant active it, it is just on client yes ???


its the asi


it is xml file but it doesnt work for me

pls help