A server has been added to my favorites list without me adding it there

Hi can someone ask me why i have a random server been added to my Favorites list called ‘California Dream RP’ i have never joined or even seen this server before and its on my favorites. Plus its on most of my friends as well

You probably accidentally clicked the favorite button.

Sure; Why do you have a random server added to your Favorites list?

All jokes aside, did you share your favorites.json file with some of your friends? Or did you use one form your friends? If so then it’s normal that most of your friends have the same servers in your favorites list.
Servers can’t get “automatically” added to your favorites list just on their own, so someone must have added it to your list.

No nothing like that, everyone in the community im in, like over 100 people had the same server in their favorites list and we don’t know why

Well you must have shared your game files with each other in that case because servers don’t get added out of nowhere :confused: