Bug with getting a player coords(look at 4th reply)

Hey, I was trying to get my friend’s coords (server-sided) and it gave me something that is a complete nonsense. so I tried to teleport the entity the server says my friend is and it teleported a vehicle!
This is maybe happening because the player entity id and the vehicle entity id are somehow the same and when I try to get his coords it’s just giving me the first entity the server found, and in this case, it’s the vehicle. Here’s a video:

Likely fixed as of the following commit:


I hope so, I’ll comment again if it’s not fixed

unfortunately, its not fixed, but this time I came across to a similer bug but not the same, the server gets the right entity, but all his coords are different from his real coords(random place in the sky)

Edit: I noticed when it is heppening: when you stand on an entity(tried with 2 vehicles)
look at the Z coords(shows the best):

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related to the topic

Could you possibly provide the code you are using in-case it could possibly be a bug in your code or something similar?

This is a simple runcode, run means server sided and crun means client sided, its simply do load(code) and the code you can see on the video
if you meant for the last picture, it just spammed it for no reason.

Just realized that :see_no_evil:

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Right. Yes, when standing on an entity, the coordinates of the ped should in fact be calculated relative to the standing-on entity. This’ll need some additional sync node parsing, however…

Will it be fixed any time soon? Thanks for replying!