A /cmds script

So when a player do /cmds, a little box will come up, with all the controls that the server have.
And then when you hit ESC it closes.

This is already a thing, with /cmdlist

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You could just do this and edit the commands and colors to what you want.

AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(source, n, msg)

	msg = string.lower(msg)
if(msg == "/cmds") then
		TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, "^6Command1.")
		TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, "^6Command2.")
		TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, "^6Command3.")
		TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, "^6Command4.")
		TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, "^6Command5.")

this is not within the scope of fivem, hence i moved it to resource discussion

if you want a box you will have to set up a GUI or a display with HTML and CSS.

Alright thanks, i will try some of the ideas

I think you’re on about drawText or something like that? Instead of an actual interaction menu?

Either drawText or chatMessage, as I said he could always set up a pop up screen when people join or when they do /cmds, which requires you to close the pop up. But that would have to be done with HTML and CSS.

[Release] vHelp (v2.0) - Simple /help and /rules script ??