Frozen FiveReborn Loading Screen

Steam? Legit
Gta V? Legit

When I start the game on administrator & windows 8 it just stays on the green screen… will the fivereborn get a update?

Please use this format to post your error.
Did you read the F.A.Q?

GTA V version? Newest
Up to date? Yes
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit copy from steam
Steam/CD/Social Club? Steam: Junior_boz Social Club: OhUMADbroLOL
Error screenshot
GTA V folder screenshot
FiveReborn client folder screenshot
.dmp files Not sure how to find

You error screenshot does not seem to work, are you stuck on the Social Club loading screen?

@Boss no I gets to the fivereborn background green screen with the tree then it just freezes. // Updated Error Screen

@micheal1210 make sure FiveReborn window is focused then press alt+f4, does it work?

@Tusticles Nothing happened. now I’m getting this screen @TouchMyRAM @Boss @Mod

@micheal1210 said in Frozen FiveReborn Loading Screen: now I’m getting this screen @TouchMyRAM @Boss @Mod

The color doesn’t matter. Please write down your PC specifications.

gaming card GeForce 970M
I7 processor